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Java Information

Java is a platform-independent, interpreted language. The same Java bytecode will run on a personal computer (PC), or a MacIntosh, or a Sun workstation. Because the Java source code is not compiled to native machine code format, it cannot be run directly. An interpreter is required to convert the Java bytecode into native machine code when a Java program is started and as needed while it is running. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains such an interpreter. It handles all the platform-specific Java implementation details and allows Java applets and applications to be run on a computer. A web browser which supports Java has a built-in JRE. You can install a standalone JRE on your computer. A JRE, whether integrated into your web browser or separate, supports a specific version of Java.

Java applets are programs designed to be accessed from a server over the Internet. Because they do not reside on your computer, there are strict limitations placed on them in order to ensure your security. For example, a security manager in the JRE prevents applets from accessing your disk drives unless you give permission. Java applications are regular programs which reside on your computer. As such, they have the same access rights as other applications and will normally be able to read from and write to your disk drives.

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Web page last updated August 7, 1999