RangeLaw logo
A new role-playing game.

The first version of the game is currently under development. It can be played, but many components have not yet been implemented. Others have been implemented only in a simplified form as place-holders, and the rest have not yet been balanced for good game play. The game is not yet in beta-testing, so comments on things which aren't working are not requested this time. It has been placed on the World Wide Web at this early stage of development so that the server-side aspects can be developed and tested in parallel with the rest of the game mechanics.

Before starting, see the Game Requirements and the Free Range Policy.

start RangeLaw applet
Java2 Version 1.3
for Netscape 4 or MS IE

(requires and obtains plug-in)
last updated May 27, 2001

start RangeLaw applet
Java2 Version 1.3
for Netscape 6
(runs directly)

last updated May 27, 2001

start RangeLaw applet
Java Version 1.1.8
for MS IE 5

(runs directly)
last updated May 27, 2001


For information about the game designers, the tools used, or the web hosting see Credits.

99% pure Java logo

Email: RangeMaster@rangelaw.com

Web page last updated May 27, 2001